Funky Fruited Gose

5% ABV Funkadelic Gose with pure Raspberry Puree
This Funkadelic Gose will put a glide in your stride and a dip in your hip.
Made with pure raspberry and sea salt, this beer is tart and refreshing with harmonizing flavors of fresh raspberry, notes of green apple and zesty lemon.
Join us at the party on the mothership and tear the roof off this motherpucker.
IBU: 14
Seasonal: Spring/Summer
- April 2025
Formats Available:
6/4/16oz Cans, 1/6 BBL, 1/2 BBL
1 year
Ageability guidelines are not guarantees. Proper storage is required to maintain beer quality.
Utah Special Order #:

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Bombastic Brewing is an Independent Craft Brewery, and we support the Brewer's Association's effort to help us self-identify as independent craft breweries.